Update: This offer ends January 17, 2023!

BEST DEAL EVER: if you use the link on our Home page https://www.agawamfriends.org/ to sponsor a wreath for $15, Wreaths Across America is MATCHING each wreath sponsored! In addition, Wreaths Across America will also send $5.00 to the Friends of the MVMC at Agawam. Funds received by The Friends are used to enhance the cemetery. This offer expires on January 17th, so please click on the link now.
For those that prefer not to order online, we are providing other options for sponsoring wreaths, please see below (checks must reach The Friends by 1/17/2023). In any event, you have to act quickly, as orders must be placed by January 17th.

The Agawam Friends is a qualified sponsorship group.