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Edward has been a member of The Friends since 2019.  Having a sister, and two brothers-in-law buried at the Cemetery has given Edward a strong personal connection to the Cemetery. 


After taking his brother-in-law to the Korean War Memorial in DC Edward saw how much it meant to his brother-in-law to have a symbol to honor their service, especially since his brother is missing in action. Edward’s brother-in-law decided then that he wanted to be buried at the Cemetery since it honors all service members.  His memorial service and the kind members of the honor guard, who gave his great nephew the spent shells from the ceremony, led Edward to want to be involved with The Friends.  Since that time, he has been involved in many of The Friends’ events including Wreaths Across America where Edward was one of the ambassadors on the buses, introducing The Friends and the procedure to be used in placing the wreaths, he also helped to lay the wreaths at the cemetery. Edward also helped place the Memorial Day flags at the cemetery and volunteered at this year’s informational events at Six Flags and the Big E.


Edward is currently serving as President for The Friends.


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